The Dungeon Boys form a plan to recon inside of the Constable’s manor before trying to get in and free their targets. Grim and Arlo cause a distraction with a little girl and a giant frog while Birb and Jack law do their best to sneak into the manor.
Dungeon Boys Episode 8: The Boys Go Shopping
After deciding to join the Servants of the Scale and agreeing to help rescue a very important family of SoS members, the party decides to go shopping. They meet a few interesting shop owners, but they also notice some seedy slave activity in the Inner Marketplace.
Dungeon Boys Episode 7: The Servants of the Scale
The Party does battle with their doppleganger suspects in the rear courtyard of the Shady Maple. Once the suspects are apprehended and the party gets a good night’s rest, they are asked to join a secret organization of people who do their best to upend the evils of the High Council? Listen to find out.
Dungeon Boys Episode 6: The Big Match with Fatty
In this episode, we witness the big boxing match between Grim and his opponent, a huge beast of a man named Fatty. Things are looking pretty grim for Grim until his pal Arlo attempts to help him out. Also, Arlo takes an opportunity to turn into a frog in an attempt to join in on the frog racing at the casino while Jack Law keeps his cool and stays on the lookout for their suspects.
Dungeon Boys Episode 5: Step Into the Ring
The party enters the Casino that hides in the back of the Shady Maple. Grim goes several rounds in the casino boxing ring, earning a pile of winnings. Jack Law plays a card game and in so doing, wins ownership of a Kenku slave named Birb. All in all, it’s a rousing good time full of fun and intrigue. They also draw ever closer to apprehending the Dopplegangers responsible for the disappearances in the slums.
Dungeon Boys Episode 4: Double Paralysis
The party investigates the eerie sound that came from the end of the cave hall at the end of the last episode. What they find is a huge break in the case of the missing loggers that the've been working on since we began.
With this new information, they attempt to leave the cave, but they are beset by a pack of giant wolf spiders with other plans. The party does eventually defeat their foes but not before two party members are paralyzed.
After narrowly escaping the spiders, the party returns to the City of Lonsim to the Shady Maple where they have reason to believe that some shady things are going down. Pun intended.
To see/hear it all go down, click the button below.
Dugneon Boys Episode 3: Mysterious Tower in a Mysterious Cave
The party descends into a cave near the Lord of the Wood logging camp in search of clues as to where the missing 3 logging workers might have gone. Within the cave, they stumble upon an ancient tower that seems to have appeared within the ground somehow.
Some interesting things are uncovered within this mysterious underground tower, and the party does not quite understand what they have found.
Are they being watched by dangerous spiders? Are the missing men here in the cave? What did they find in the tower? Find the answers to these questions and more by watching us play in Dungeon Boys.
Dungeon Boys Episode 2: Goblins Go Down
The party has discovered that the three missing men that they are looking for on behalf of the Lonsim Investigative Department all worked for the same company, Lord of the Wood Logging Company. Using information from one of the wives of the victims, they find their way to the current logging camp for Lord of the Wood.
The foreman at the logging camp reveals to our party that he is missing three men and that they he figured they were just laying out of work, but when pushed he reveals that there is a nearby cave that they could've fallen into or wandered into.
But, before they leave, the foreman asks our party to help him with a Goblin issue. The party agrees and runs off to take out a pack of goblins.
Dungeon Boys Episode 1: Rookie Detectives
In this first episode of Dungeon Boys, our party begins what will become a grand adventure. Our characters (Arlo, a forest gnome druid, Jack Law, a high elf rogue, and Thadeus Baker/Grim, a an Aasimar Grave Cleric) find themselves at the end of their training to become members of the Lonsim Investigative Department.
The LID is an organization in the city of Lonsim that investigates crimes and disturbances in the region. Each character has his own reason for joining this law enforcement agency, but they are all tasked with the same case.
Men have been disappearing in strange ways from the slums in Lonsim, and these 3 new investigators are commissioned to find out what is going on and who is behind these strange occurences. The party accepts their task from Corgus Bach, the director of the LID, and his deputy director, and they head off toward the slums to ask some questions of the wives of these missing men.
The Complete Background and Geography of Mediene
The World of Mediene is a big place, and a lot goes into the way things work. There are things that I don't know about it yet, and many things are subject to change. Either way, please check out the full background info I'm posting below. You can learn about the world, where it came from, what's going on in it, and where things are. The map is provided as well. Please excuse any typos I may have missed.
Mediene is a continent in that lies in one of the far corners of the greater realm. It is composed of 5 islands, Mediene’s Crown, The Isle of Flame, The Round Isle, Isle Burrin, and The Mainland. These islands compose this whole self-contained world. As far as Medieneians know, they are the only land in all of the vast sea as any ships that sail out in search of new worlds never return.
The story of Mediene began as the Gods of the realm created the continent and populated it with life. This life consisted of all life that one would normally expect to find in a world, everything from Dragons down to the lowly field mouse and every creature, mythical and otherwise, in between. They also planted the humanoid creatures, humans, elves, dwarves, and the rest that usually populate that list. This was how the world began. Tribes grew out of the genesis of this life. The humans typically found the humans, and so on with the other races. As humanoids do, they subjected the rest of the wildlife to their use. They hunted, farmed, and did what civilizations do at their origin. The greater mythical creatures such as dragons, giants, sea monsters, and the like went their ways, finding places to live and thrive away from the rest of life in this world. These greater creatures were fewer in number than all the lesser creatures and remain that way to the present. Humanoids grew in number, the wilds responded by adding myriad dangers to the lives of the humanoids, and the world turned. This is all to say that there was balance. There was life and death, wealth and poverty, peace and strife, good and evil. The world was built on this balance, this cycle of things that the gods instated to allow the world to grow and sustain itself.
In the beginning, magic was not present in the world. The gods saw fit to withhold the great power of magic from Mediene until they achieved the balance they desired in this new world. For many hundred of years, the only experience of the supernatural that the humanoids had was through encounters with the higher mythical creatures and godly interference in the world. They had no access to the arcane arts or to the forces of magic that they saw in these supernatural beings. After this magicless era, the gods decided that the time was right to add magic to the scales of this world.
Dwarves, Elves, and Humans alike began to discover innate powers within themselves. They prodded at it and tested it until spells began to be created and reproduced by others. Magic had a humble beginning, but it soon evolved into the magic we know at present. It permeated the land. Some chose to follow the path of the Arcane arts, making wizards, druids, warlocks, etc. of themselves, while the others stuck to the original path of life, taking no interest in learning magic for themselves. This separation created the classes of humanoids that we know today. Some became magic wielders while others continued on being soldiers, fighters, farmers, and other classes of people with no need for the arcane.
This creation of separate classes of people did not upset the balance laid out by the gods. On the contrary, it added balance as those who didn’t use magic evened out the magic wielders. No one class of people was by far more powerful than another, and all the classes kept each other in check.
By this time, the world had evolved from its infancy. There were civilizations composed of mixed race populations. Some dwarves remained in the hills and mountains, but some also ventured out and lived in cities built by the hands of all races. This was true of all the races, and there was yet balance. Mediene gained a capital, Harmone’, from which a high council ruled the 5 islands. There were wars between tribes, cities, and peoples, but there were victors and losers and a government to fight these wars, and balance remained.
The high council was/is comprised of 2 delegates from each of the 5 major cities of Mediene: Harmone’, Lonsim, Bargen, Merchant’s Might, and Bucklin. Each delegate is elected by the people of the city and surrounding region, and each delegate elected moves to the capital of Harmone’ to govern with the other 9 delegates. Each delegate receives one vote on matters of law, policy, or action of the continental government. As the council is composed of 10 members, there is sometimes a tie in the votes, and when this occurs, the matter is put to a popular vote within the city of Harmone’. Thus, the capital city decides on the matter for the whole continent.
For yet more centuries, this system proves an effective governing structure for the entire continent. Some decision are met with thunderous applause, while others are met with assassinations of delegates and skirmishes in the forests and fields of the land, but balance remains. That is, until a few years before our campaign begins.
As magic became more prevalent in the world, it became the practice of the wealthy. Many people, though they showed great arcane potential, were too poor to afford the books, teachers, or supplies needed to foster growth in their arcane power, so they remained grounded in their physical skills. Others, despite their low arcane potential, had the means to study magic and to become wielders of its power. This basic but growing divide in the land started as a crack, but over many years it grew into a canyon. The arcane arts became predominantly the power of the wealthy. This led to a higher desire in all people to either become powerful in magic or to follow someone who was. The wealthier cities like Merchant’s Might, Lonsim, and Harmone’ with high arcane populations voted in their most powerful wizards, while the poorer cities of Bargen and Bucklin would still try to vote in those with magic power, though their magic populations were typically lower and weaker as powerful magic wielders tended to leave these cities behind.
Mediene’s obsession with wealth and, through wealth, magic, led to a hopelessly magic leaning high council. This posed no real threat early on as everyone saw magic as a useful tool and powerful weapon. People wanted the most powerful and most wealthy Medienites leading the government for them because, after all, they knew best. This magic heavy government posed no real threats to the world until it became self-aware. The delegates began to see themselves not as representatives of the people but as the most powerful members of society. They began to see their own power and arcane knowledge as superior to those who could not use magic. They saw normal folk as a lesser breed, and they began to govern this way. Policy began to favor the wealthy and those with magic abilities at the expense of the middle class and the poor. The wealthy enjoyed tax breaks, special government subsidies, and special programs while the poor and middle class had to work harder to support themselves under rising prices of food and goods due to the faltering economy that favored the rich. The Council even enacted Legislation that allowed them to remain in office until death. This allowed the council to remain corrupt and unchecked indefinitely.
This brings us to the Orcs. Orcs were not a race of humanoid created by the gods. The now corrupt high council decided that, if they wanted to continue with their plan to subjugate the lesser humanoids to the will of the wealthy and powerful, they would need an army unbound by compassion or care. Thus, they commissioned a great wizard, Morath, to create for them an army. He adjourned himself to Isle Burrin to conduct his research, and eventually, he produced his first Orc. From there he was able to produce more and more, and after a couple of years, he had produced a whole race of ruthless humanoid creatures ready to do the will of a corrupt government. The high council explained that they needed this army to extinguish any threats to their peaceful existence and that it would negate any need for common citizens to sacrifice themselves in war. The public, uninformed about the nature of this army, went along.
Several years pass, and the public all but forgets about this new continental army. Their memory is jarred though with “The Culling Legislation”. This legislation was legislation by the high council that instituted weekly “Cullings” where forces from the continental army came through each city and rounded up “randomly” selected common people to be removed from their homes and taken to prisons and work camps. This was the first truly public taste of the Council’s corruption and of the horror of the Orc army. Any resistance from the public was spun by the High Council and governmental authorities as disturbing of the peace by simple folk. The wealthy and magic wielding were blind to the plight of the poor and lowly by now. They liked the idea of a world were common folk either served them or did not exist at all while the common folk suffered under the tyranny of the corrupt High Council. Balance was broken, and the world responded.
The world of Mediene was built on balance, but the actions of the High Council have thrown off the balance. The world has become more hostile. Creatures are quicker to attack, monsters are more prevalent in the wild, and the geography itself gives less of its previous bounty. The cullings have whittled down the population of common folk as they ache for a return to the previous balance of the world. It’s not magic users that are the problem, as there are plenty of arcanely powerful folk who have heart for the poor and seek to help the best they can, but right now it’s just not enough.
This is where our campaign begins, 2 years after the cullings started. The wilds are fierce. The government is corrupt and hostile to those it deems lesser than the wealthy and magically proficient. The gods seem to have all but left, and the High council have taken measures to prevent citizens from entreating the gods to intervene and return balance to the land.
*Not every member of these races can be defined by the categories below. These only describe what people see as the majority.
· Elves
o Many consider them to be the highest race of Mediene. Elves typically are more magically proficient than others, which has led to them holding high positions of power and accumulating great wealth.
o Normally tall and slender with the classic long, pointed ears. Elven eyes are capable of developing bright and varied colors. Their air is typically very fine and straight.
o Typically respected or feared by the public. Most always taken seriously
· Half-Elves
o The product of cross breeding between humans and elves. Are normally shorter and slightly thicker than full-blooded elves. Many half-elves have two different colored eyes. One a bright elvish color, and the other a normal human color.
o Are seen by elves as halfbreeds unworthy of respect. Are seen by other races either indifferently or as highly worthy of respect due to being half elf.
· Humans
o Possess all the traits and variations of normal humans.
o Many have arcane potential while many do not.
o They’re humans. They act like humans.
· Dwarves
o Most are rough around the edges craftsmen and women. Most dwarves are not particularly proficient in the arcane arts.
o Dwarves are known to be fairly aggressive and are typically ready for a fight.
o They hate being disrespected, but are seen a working class. Some have gained wealth, but most work in mines or trades.
· Gnomes
o Small, thin creatures that stand between 3 and 4 feet tall. They are characterized by their jovial and happy go lucky nature in most any situation.
o They tend to create their own settlements in forests or out in the wilderness, foraging for food and keeping to themselves.
o Many Gnomes are proficient in Life and Healing Magic.
· Halflings
o Small creatures standing between 4 and 5 feet tall. They are typically just very small humanlike creatures.
o They have dispersed out into most all cities.
o They have a reputation for civility and using words before action.
· Orcs
o Believed to be created by Morgath on Isle Burrin many years ago, they comprise the new continental army.
o Are not very intelligent and lack emotion.
o Some Orcs are created with defects giving them full range of emotion and compassion. These are sent out into the world to live among the citizens of Mediene. This has created small pockets of Orcs and orc families living in Mediene as any other citizen would. These are not respected and most others steer clear of these orcs.
· Goblins
o Small creatures standing no more than 4 feet tall. They are typically range from green to black and are usually wearing tattered clothing with unruly and stringy hair.
o They are used by the continental army as servants and low level soldiers.
o Many believe them to be pure evil, but though most are, these are just rumors
o Are rather simple.
Types of Magic Users:
· Wizards
o Derive their magical power from tapping their arcane potential through study, experimentation and knowledge in the arcane arts.
o These powerful scholars are seen as the highest echelon of arcane vessel
o Most of the High Council is now comprised of Wizards
· Clerics
o Derive their magical abilities from devoted service to their god.
o Are highly respected by the public, but for their devotion to the gods and service to the people rather than their arcane power, knowledge, or prowess.
· Warlocks
o Received their power through bargaining with some extraplanar force
o Are seen as the scum of the magic using community. They are seen as cheaters who came about great power through evil or irregular means. They are seen as having power they shouldn’t have
· Sorcerers
o Received their power from a bloodline or as a gift from the gods or some other phenomenon.
o Also tend to be seen in a negative light by wizards and other high magic users due to the lack of work and dedication required for their power.
· Druids
o Received power from being in tune with nature. Tend to be agents of balance.
o Druids are rare in the land today as the balance of the world has been thrown way off. Druids tend to be feared by those currently in power in Mediene while also respected as their power comes from being in tune with the very world that provides arcane potential in the races.
· Greater Gods
o Boccob
§ God of Magic, Arcane knowledge, and Balance
o Corellon Larethian
§ God of Elves, music, and arts
o Garl Glittergold
§ God of Gnomes, humor
o Moradin
§ God of Dwarves
o Nerull
§ God of Death, darkness, murder and the underworld
o Pelor
§ God of sun, light, strength and healing. Kinda god of Humans
o Yondalla
§ Goddess of halflings
· Lesser Gods
o Ehlonna
§ Goddess of Forests, woodlands, flora and fauna
o Hextor
§ God War, discord, conflict
o Melora
§ Goddess of Adventurers
o Coruck
§ God of the Mountains
o Draveel
§ Goddess of the Sea
o Hormunder
§ God of farming and agriculture
o Hyst
§ Goddess under the land, of mines, caves, and caverns
Mediene – Geographical Information
· The Mainland
o Harmone’
§ The capital city of Mediene. 10 Miles in Diameter. Its circular walls are 20 feet thick and made of smooth sand colored stone.
§ This is where the High Council lives and makes its decrees. The skyline is characterized by the pointy spires of many temples, the great long roof of the Great Library of Arcana and the rising towers and dome of the Capitol building.
§ Outside the walls and just inside on every side but near the main gates lie the slums where the poorest citizens gather to live in small houses. Some are even built into the wall.
§ The architecture here is characterized by rounded edges, arches and domes.
§ The Cullings have not yet reached the capital. The poor here remain safe from the Cullings
§ Bordered by tall rolling hills on the east, and the Western Wildwood in the south.
§ High population of all races
o Merchant’s Might
§ A large port city. The walls of this city are made of great vertical trees. The city stretches along 8 miles of coastline.
§ It’s by far the wealthiest city next to Harmone’ due to it’s high concentration of merchants.
§ The docks have a reputation for being home to illegal smugglers and seedy operations.
§ The architecture is characterized by houses made primarily of wood with thick wooden roofs to protect from hurricanes
§ The slums of this city are near the docks.
§ High Elf population
o The Southern Citadel
§ A military installment at the southern edge of the Mainland
§ It is now home to much of the Continental Army’s forces.
§ It lies south of Sundry Swamp near the coast and has high walls and is well guarded.
o Fark
§ It’s name comes from how it lies at the fork of the Continental Highway and several other smaller roads that lead through the mainland and even over to the Isle of Flame
§ It is a larger village, and it falls with Bargen’s greater region.
§ It’s a town where travelers, adventurers, and mainly merchants rest on their way to Harmone’ from Merchant’s Might before taking the last leg of their journey to the capital.
o Bargen
§ Sometimes called Float Town by locals, this city is comprised of floating houses and houses that rise out of the water on stilts.
§ Some of the wealthiest members of this city are rumored to have created underwater homes that provide perceived safety and security from the city above.
§ Adventurers and travelers brave enough to pass through the Bone Mountains are known to stop here when crossing the Smiling Sea.
§ Known as one of the poorer cities in the land due to how difficult it is to get to and the low price of fish on the continent since it is an island continent.
§ Cullings are particularly hard here as it takes strong men to keep the town afloat and strong men go first in the cullings
§ Mostly humans and halflings live here
o The Smiling Sea
§ The freshwater sea at the heart of the Mainland. It is home to the city of Bargen as well as vast populations of freshwater fish.
§ It dives to depths too deep to be explored, which leads folk to believe that many secrets lie within.
o The Bone Mountains
§ They are believed to have been a vibrant biome many centuries ago, but are now large dry mountains surrounded by desert.
§ Many large beasts and animals roam the region and many of these fetch a high price. The bravest of adventurers travel out into this region in search of expensive game and high thrills. Many do not return.
§ In the mountains, there are many caves and legends of relics and supernatural encounters originate from here all the time.
o The Grainlands
§ Home to most of the farmers in the land of Mediene.
§ Called the grainlands, but crops of all kinds are grown in the region.
§ It’s characterized by its many windmills, farmer peasant society, and relative safety compared to the Sundry Swamp and Mangroves that border it.
o Sundry Swamp
§ A swamp on the southern border of the Smiling Sea
§ It is know to be very dangerous for travel due to the beasts and monsters that are said to roam there.
o The Mangroves
§ A great forest of mangroves on the western border of the Smiling Sea.
§ It is known to some as the haunted wood, and most travelers will avoid this area.
o Malora’s Quiver
§ Named this because it is home to many adventurers that make their living hunting beasts and relics in the Bone Mountains, and Malora is the goddess of adventurers
§ Known for its rough and tumble society, frontier justice, and melting pot of races, creeds, and classes.
§ Many come here to escape normal society
o Western Wildwood
§ The great forest to the south of the Capital
§ Many hunters and trappers make their living here.
§ It can be dangerous, but is not known for being particularly sinister or haunting.
o Farmer’s Rest
§ The farmers that do not live in the Grainlands live and farm around Farmer’s Rest.
§ Small village home to a rural peasant community
§ Has become a more dangerous area since the Orc stronghold was built in Mediene’s Brow
o Mediene’s Brow
§ A great pine forest in the on the North coast of Mediene. It is home to many mythical beasts as well as a high population of wolves and bears.
§ The High Council ordered an Orc Stronghold to be built in the heart of the forest under the banner of “protecting the people”, but some share rumors that the real reason is to block citizens from making pilgrimages to Mediene’s Crown
· Mediene’s Crown
o The Cathedral
§ The Cathedral is known to all of Mediene as the place where the many faiths and religions find their common ground.
§ Citizens of all faiths travel to this Leviathan of a cathedral to pay homage to their gods with great joy or in times of great stress. If you have a great request of the God’s, you must make the pilgrimage to The Cathedral
§ Considered Sacred by all of Mediene
o Godspeak
§ The peak of the gods. Where citizens believe in centuries long past that the gods would meet together or even converse with mortals.
§ Many still believe that if one can make the climb to the peak and survive the many dangers on the way, that one’s god may come and meet with him.
· The Isle of Flame
o Lonsim
§ One of the wealthier cities of Mediene.
§ Name comes from the fact that it was the only settlement on the island long ago. This is not the case now that the Bind has been built.
§ The city’s fortune comes from its proximity to the Eastern Wildwood and the logging trade from the forest
§ It’s architecture is characterized by homes built with wood but surrounded on all sides by green grasses for insulation and weatherproofing. Most houses are built this way. Municipal buildings and some larger manors are built with stone, and the poor live in thatch huts on the outskirts of the city.
§ The city lacks walls as it is the lone settlement on the island and maintains control of the bridge to the mainland.
§ Population of races is well mixed
§ Was the only settlement on the island until the construction of “The Bind” in recent years.
o The Bind
§ A new construction at the north end of the Isle of Flame.
§ There is only one road in and one road out. The public has not been apprised of its purpose.
o The Eastern Wildwood
§ A forest that covers most of the Isle of Flame north of Lonsim.
§ It is full of vast and diverse wildlife and is considered more dangerous than its western counterpart. Logging crews don’t have much trouble since they travel in great numbers but small groups and lone travelers would be wise not to stay in the Eastern Wildwood longer than they have to.
· The Round Isle
o Bucklin
§ Named for the way it holds the Round Isle together like a belt buckle.
§ One of the poorer settlements of Mediene.
§ Characterized by homes with thick walls and grassy roofs to protect from the southern cold. And is covered in snow from early fall to late spring.
§ Has a high population of hunters and trappers that do their work in Mediene’s beard.
§ It’s population has a reputation for being anti-government and has seen more hurtful cullings as a result.
§ High Population of Dwarves and humans here
o Ruins of Asknumor
§ No one knows exactly what Asknumor was, but many assume it was the home of a great civilization of outsiders who rejected the formation of a world government and governed their own smaller civilization on the round Isle.
§ Even if this theory is true, no one knows what happened to them except that their settlement is now only a large city of ruins outside the walls of Bucklin
o Mediene’s Beard
§ A Pine forest in the wintry wilds of the Round Isle.
§ Home to myriad dangerous creatures both natural and supernatural.
§ Most trappers and hunters stick to the outskirts of the forest, but some more intrepid woodsmen travel deep into the forest for bigger game and spoil.
o The Powdered Peaks
§ The powdered peaks see little travel as they are cripplingly cold and home to rumors of great beasts and even dragons.
§ Dragons have been seen far less since humanoids gained magical abilities and the High Council entered its phase of perceived corruption. Some speculate that they have gone into hibernation somewhere in the Powdered Peaks and Bone mountains to be left alone where few dare to travel.
§ The only folks who frequent these mountains are the many hermits that have decided to abandon society to live in the harsh climates of the round isle. These hermits tend to find a place that gets warm in summer to live out the rest of their days on the edge of the Powdered Peaks.
o Hermit’s Halt
§ A city built to be a last stop for those wishing to travel into the Powdered Peaks
§ Called Hermit’s Halt because it’s the last barrier between prospective hermits and their future in the harsh cold.
§ A small village of kind, rural people that live off the land and do little trading. You will find no kinder people in all of Mediene
o The Frozen Sea
§ Half of the frozen sea remains frozen throughout the year. The other half freezes in winter.
§ Home to many nomadic people who spend their winters on the ice fishing for sustenance and trade.
§ Rumors of ice bandits that travel with packs of wolves on sleds circulate through this area frequently, but none have been proven
· Isle Burrin
o OrcenHume
§ No citizens have traveled to Isle Burrin until the Orcs were created because there was literally nothing there.
§ Now, it is the home to the Orcs. They originate here under the supervision of Morath who created them many years ago.
§ They survive off of the rations that are sent by the Medienite government and the wildlife that was planted their after they were created.
§ They are trained as warriors and shipped off to the Continental Army when requested.
§ Orcs that were created with flaws like retaining their emotions and intelligence are also shipped off to try and make a life for themselves in regular society
o Morath Tower
§ Named after the wizard who lives there.
§ Morath created the orcs and is know far and wide as one of the most powerful wizards in the land.
§ The rumor is that he has never left Isle Burrin after going to create the orcs and is cursed to be half Orc for the unholy deed of spawning a whole race devoid of emotion.
Brice's Drawing of his High Elf Rogue, Jack Law
Jack Law is a High Elf Rogue who lost his wife. He was once a butcher, but his wife's bloody demise caused him to be sickened by the smell of blood. The half plague mask he wears blocks the scent of blood when he goes out at night to capture orcs and bring them to bloody justice for the death of his beloved bride.